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Hunters Search Hunting Leases
Hunters Search Hunting Leases
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Platte County
200 Acres
PLATTE COUNTY LEASE!! This farm looks great and is laid out well for hunting. Acres of rolling soybean fields with well distributed sections of timber and draws. Plenty of quality, mature timber for stand locations and security cover. This is a beautiful area of NW Missouri and an easy drive from the KC metro area. Seasonal creeks and ditches within the timber should provide constant water and funnel features for whitetails. Lots of deer and turkey sign noted while scouting. The small section of timber marked in red on the maps has been removed. Respect for the standing crop is priority. No livestock is present on the property. A small section of the property on the SE side is for sale. Should it sell during the lease term, a pro-rated refund will be issued. Call for details or permission to look at the property before bidding if needed.
Hunting Property Photo
Owen County
222 Acres
A rare chance to lease this Owen County,Indiana "Big buck" producing farm. This beatiful farm lays along Fish Creek just north of Freedom, IN and has a very good mix of habitat. Hardwoods, patures, crop fields, CRP (future), dense bedding thickets all make for a whitetail haven. Lots of turkeys call this property home as well which should make for a fun Spring. There are approx. 30 head of cattle that are rotated around the farm. This does not effect the deer and the deer are used to the landowner/farmer activities. He reports seeing the big bucks year in and year out. This lease is for a 12 month lease term unless the auction ends after August 31st. In that event, the lease will end on August 1 the followwing year. The lease is for all legal game (Except Fox-No Fox are to be killed on this farm)
Hunting Property Photo
Dallas County
189 Acres
189 acres. 25 minutes to West Des Moines. Outstanding timbered property with valleys comprised primarily of white oak, some red oak, bur oak, shag and butternut hickory with walnut towards the bottom of property. Panther Creek runs north and south through the timber. The only access to western timber is through creek, which is usually low enough for walking access across. Old logging trail runs behind south driveway and leads to creek. Additional property entrance through an easement with the neighboring property on the eastern side at the south end. This amazing property is nestled in forest that continues to spread around it. Nearby KOA campground is nice and only 3 miles away, a six-minute drive. Landowner lives on property and wants hunters to be successful. He is okay with hunters parking in the driveway south of the home that he uses for his business. However, keys will need to be left in ignitions so that he can move vehicle to access his equipment if needed. Deer, turkey, and rabbit hunting okay on property. Landowner would like to work with hunters who are willing to take some does off property due to large deer population. No trapping rights and no squirrel hunting. No commercial guides. No metal screws or bolts in trees, no screw in tree steps. Tree stands to be taken down at end of season. Property boundaries not clearly marked and hunters will want to use a system such as onX. Landowner would be open to discussion of food plots, but only in areas where it would not cause erosion, and not on hill sides. ATV's permitted for hunting uses only and care taken not to make ruts. Great opportunity here. First time listing with HLN. Reach out to HLN Rep for permission slip to walk the farm!
Hunting Property Photo
Knox County
800 Acres
800 acres in Knox County, NE. Located 40 minutes northeast of O'Neill. This property is mainly pasture and prairie hay. The 160 acres north of the road is dryland farm ground with alfalfa, forage & prairie hay. On the south side of the road you will find several wooded ravines and good travel routes for game. Plenty of good areas to set stands or blinds. The farm manager said he seen roughly 8 deer and turkey sign when he walked the property. If you are still in search for a good lease for the 2024/25 season, this is it. Landowner says you will have the opportunity to hunt deer, turkey and other small game. Cattle will be rotated around this property all year long. Landowner asks that you do not touch wells for livestock and keep gates shut at all times. Also asks that you do not cut fences. If you are looking for a place to stay, O'Neill is probably going to be your best bet. O'Neill will also has gas stations and restaurants. $2 Million Hunting Liability Insurance Included.
Hunting Property Photo
Mcpherson County
165 Acres
APPROXIMATELY 165 ACRES IN THE SMOKY VALLEY REGION UNIT 6, THIS PROPERTY HAS TIMBER, CROPS AND CREEK. Located near Lindsborg, KS, it offers a great long-term opportunity to secure a hunting lease for Whitetail Deer and Turkey. Access to the property from the south is good and provides an easy walk-in. The Kentucky Creek serves as a nice travel corridor into and through the property. The area in general houses a lot of deer, and we observed several resident deer on the property. I had to slow several times on my drive to the lease for deer to pass on the nearby roads. The landowner reports that a couple blinds are on the property, which appear to be well set up for firearms season.
Hunting Property Photo
Lewis County
118 Acres
THIS LEWIS COUNTY FARM OFFERS LOTS OF SECLUDED HABITAT! Lots of prime timber and brush on the west side of the property. The cover should hold the game and is tucked back, far from any county road. Entry is from the east side through the pasture acres. There may be cows on the east side of the property, however, they are fenced out of the timber portion. Plenty of mature timber for tree stands. Lots of oaks and crops in the area on surrounding farms. The pasture acres have a nice roll to them and should offer some opportunities, especially during the firearms/spring turkey seasons. There is a nice sized pond by the road which will provide constant water and some fishing opportunities. All gates must be left as found at all times. The cost of the hunting liability insurance is already included in the lease price. Contact your HLN rep. for permission to walk the property prior to bidding if desired.
Hunting Property Photo
Custer County
143 Acres
143 acres in Custer County, NE. Located 3 miles northwest of Callaway and 30 minutes from Broken Bow, NE. This property has a half mile of Loup River & 70 acres of alfalfa. Some would call it a wildlife haven. Heavy tree cover along the river corridor provides plenty of Whitetail habitat. Also, some good bedding areas in this corridor. Plenty of area throughout the property for stands and food plots. Be ready for the opportunity to hunt Deer, turkeys, upland Birds and dove. $2 Million Hunting Liability Insurance Included. No Commercial Use Allowed.
Hunting Property Photo
New York
Chenango County
110 Acres
Mostly wooded-some fields. Recently logged and forested, with all new growth throughout property have made excellent browse for deer and other wildlife. When walking property seen plenty of wildlife sign. Some deer sighting from 50 to 300 plus yards depending on location. Property has been managed for many years, there have been good bucks taken every year for 12 years running, laneway off road leads to parking area, and possible place to set up hunting camp, food plots and future developed of property encourage. Looking for Ethical hunters to keep the hunting tradition of this property moving... Trail cam picture taken January after the season. Check out other pictures and Video on HLN NY FB.
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