230 acres in Lincoln County, SD. Located just outside of Sioux Falls.
This property is in a yearly corn/bean rotation. The crop for 2025 will be beans according to the farm manager. This is an all legal game property with potential for deer, upland game and waterfowl.
Landowner asks that you follow all state hunting laws while hunting the property. Make sure to keep your distance from neighboring property owners.
Removeable blinds and layout blinds are approved after harvest. If you want to build a blind, that will have to be approved by the farm manager.
Respect to crops is a must!
There are times in the spring that the farm tenant will have to get depredation tags to shoot geese to save the newly planted crops. If this needs to be done, they will contact the hunters.
This property could be leased with SDEA 0046 to add additional acres.
$2 Million Hunting Liability Insurance Included.
315 acres in Lincoln County, SD. Located between Sioux Falls & Tea.
This property is in a yearly corn/bean rotation. The crop for 2025 will be beans according to the farm manager. Plenty of areas to set up to field hunt as well as some pond areas that you can hunt over. This is an all legal game property so you are not limited to just waterfowl.
Landowner asks that you follow all state hunting laws while hunting the property. Make sure to keep your distance from neighboring property owners that are mostly on the east side of the property.
Removeable blinds and layout blinds are approved after harvest. If you want to build a blind, that will have to be approved by the farm manager.
Respect to crops is a must!
There are times in the spring that the farm tenant will have to get depredation tags to shoot geese to save the newly planted crops. If this needs to be done, they will contact the hunters.
This property could be leased with SDEA 0047 to add additional acres.
$2 Million Hunting Liability Insurance Included
Waterfowl Hunters!
24 acres in Buffalo County, NE. Located just 5 minutes south of the Gibbon/I80 exit on the Platte River.
River frontage with access to 2 islands. Hunters will either be able to build a blind or bring their own in. If you decide to build, landowner will need to approve the area.
$2 Million Hunting Liability Insurance Included!
True Northwoods property offering woods and a hilltop field that gets deer activity on a frequent basis, as per neighbor. Turkey and the typical Northwoods bear inhabit the area. Grouse hunting allowed. Property has not been hunted much as per owner.
Tree lines along field e
There are some oaks and other hardwoods in the forest. Property is close to Phelps and Eagle River.
120 acres in Roberts County, SD. Located just 15 minutes northwest of Summit. Seasons are just kicking off so get your bid in today.
Property currently has a cover crop planted on it until next spring. This will be planted into corn for the 2025 crop season. The northwest tip of this property borders Hurricane Lake which should produce decent waterfowl flying around and feeding on this tract. The south 12 acres is currently in native grass.
Deer, upland game, and waterfowl all available to hunt of this property.
Property has a locked gate at the south entrance. Landowner asks that you use foot traffic only unless you are retrieving a deer. ATV's are approved around the edges once crops are out.
Landowner asks that you follow all state rules and regs while hunting the property, with an emphasis on using steel shot only.
$2 Million Hunting Liability Insurance Included!
77 acres, Mitchell County. CRP on this piece is holding good pheasant population, just in time for pheasant season! CRP on northern, western, and southern sides of farm edges in 30 foot strips.
Farm alternates corn and beans annually. Comprised of 64 acres of crop and 8.72 acres of CRP.
Little Cedar River is directly to the southwest of the piece. Tree line on north.
Three entrances to the farm, including northwest, west, and southeast.
Western CRP to be burned in spring of 2025.
Please no driving on CRP or crop ground. Park in farm entrance and walk-in only.
Reach out to HLN Rep for an inspection slip to walk this farm!
888 acres in Brown County, NE. Located south of Long Pine & Ainsworth.
This property is made up of 688 acres of pasture with 200 acres of wetlands. Good area for all types of game with fishing included. Landowner claims you should have the opportunity to hunt deer, waterfowl, upland game, coyotes & other small game. This property also adjoins South Pine State Rec. area in the northeast corner of the property. This rec. area has a very nice boat ramp that can be used for a duck boat or a smaller fishing boat. If you are looking to fish the lake is stocked with bass, crappie & bluegill.
If you need a place to stay, Hidden Paradise Resort by Lone Pine or Ainsworth will have a few hotels & restaurants.
Landowner reserves the right to pasture cattle.
Landowner will allow a duck blind on the property with approval first.
$2 Million Hunting Liability Insurance Included.
315 acres in Gage County! Located just east of Wilber or 45 minutes southwest of Lincoln.
Two quarters that you will have multiple hunting opportunities. Landowner claims that you can hunt deer, upland game, coyote, dove & waterfowl.
The property north of Hwy 41 is planted in beans and has a good timber draw running through it. Good areas to set up. Get set up in the low areas along the creek or hunt the timber edges. This property also has areas of thick grass for bedding down deer or upland game nesting areas. A little bit of everything to keep game on the property.
The property south of Hwy 41 is all crop ground and waterways that will hold upland game. There are areas that hold water so you may be able to hunt waterfowl out in the field by the pond.
Camping will have to be approved, no hook-ups.
$2 Million Hunting Liability Insurance Included!