Property Details
***Hunt Park County Indiana Corn Fed Big Bucks***
This Park County property consists of mostly crop fields with hedge rows that funnel deer across these large crop fields to neighboring timber.There is a nice block of timber on the northeast side of the property that seems to always hold some deer. Several areas are large enough for deer to bed and use for cover and the sign is there to prove it. This farm will be most productive when rutting activity starts making these big Parke county bucks cruise looking for that hot doe.
These type of properties can be real honey holes!
There is a gravel road that intersects the property from east to west and is used by the Amish for buggy travel.
ATV's for hunting related tasks only.
Hotel right down the road off of 36. Good restaurants in Rockville.
This lease is for a 1-year term for all legal game unless the lease is entered into after August 31st. In that case, the lease will end on August 31st the following year.
$2MM Hunting Liability Insurance Policy included with lease. Outfitters must provide proof of insurance.