Property Details
Big Buck Hotspot in Sullivan County, Indiana!
Large crop fields bordered by fingers of timber that form travel corridors. The heavy sign on this farm reveals a great amount of deer using the area. Lots of fresh sign and evidence of good bucks from this past Fall. Nice rubs and old scrapes litter the property. This lease butts up to 378 acres of managed land providing additional great habitat.
There appear to be a fair amount of turkeys using the farm as well. Lots of tracks and scratchings found while walking the farm. This would be a great addition to the Spring and provide some additional fun while scouting and looking for sheds.
This lease is for all legal game and the term of 1 year unless the auction ends after Sept. 1st. In that event the lease will expire on August 1st the following year.
Hotel & restaurants are just down the road in Sullivan or you can travel 25 minutes north to Terre Haute for many more options.