Bringing Landowners & Sportsmen Together
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Earn Income and Add Control to Your Property

Reasons to Lease Your Land

Many landowners want to increase income while maintaining control of those who hunt or fish on their land. With competitive bidding and a managed lease, our hunting lease program provides good income and control. We market and negotiate the lease, collect payment and establish rules. Our program not only provides good additional income for you, but a hunting lease also provides additional help with eliminating trespassing on your property. All hunters are required to carry $2,000,000 hunting liability insurance and to provide proof of such insurance before gaining access to your land.
More Landowner Benefits

List Your Property with Us

To list your property, simply click on the button below and fill out the form. If you have any questions please give us a call at 800-346-2650 and we would be glad to discuss how a hunting lease may fit in your current property management plan.

Landowners Lease Your Property

How the Leasing Process Works

To list your property, simply contact one of our property managers. We will discuss the leasing program with you over the phone and send you a landowner enrollment form. You will need to know the legal description of the property, total acres to be leased and approximately how many acres are timber, pasture, tillable, etc.

You will be able to set the terms of the lease, rules on access, as well as the minimum acceptable bid. Once your property is listed on our website, sportsmen can review the property and submit a bid. HLN markets and negotiates the lease, collects and disperses payments, and monitors usage information.

Good quality hunting properties is what makes this whole process work. With competitive bidding and a managed lease, our hunting lease program provides both income and control when you lease your property through us.


Landowner Benefits

Our hunting lease program provides a comprehensive managed hunting lease.

  • Additional Income - Recreational leases create new income sources and increase return on investment. A fair, competitive bidding system is used to maximize lease income.
  • Management - Our team of specialists market, negotiate and manage the lease for you. We will collect payment from lessees, then distribute the payment to you. The landowner sets the minimum bid, establishes the rules on access, boundaries, closed areas, etc. All lessees are issued HLN lease ID cards for identification.
  • Control - Know who is on your property. Hunting leases help to eliminate trespassers and poachers.
  • Liability Coverage - All hunters are required to carry a minimum of $2,000,000 liability insurance.
  • Crop Damage Reduction - Hunting leases can be very helpful to reduce crop damage by managing wildlife populations.


Client Testimonials

None of this is possible without our great landowners. We work with you every step of the way to ensure the process is a smooth one from the initial property scouting inspection to the final day of the lease. Being a part of Farmers National Company, an 80 year old farm and ranch management company, helps us to understand what farmers and ranchers needs are and how to add a hunting lease without interfering with the farm, ranch, timber or any other land operations already in place.

Landowner Testimonials
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Copyright © 2025 National Hunting Lease Network. Licensed broker Farmers National Company DBA Hunting Lease Network. For more information please contact Farmers National Company at 402-496-3276. Website created by Web Solutions Omaha.